Support Services

The management and staff of RRGC continue to maintain close personal relations with all applicants and, in so doing, become intimately familiar with issues and problems confronting them even outside the institution.

The management and staff of RRGC continue to maintain close personal relations with all applicants and, in so doing, become intimately familiar with issues and problems confronting them even outside the institution.

As an educational, philanthropic and charitable institution, the management and the staff are cognizant of the fact that unless trainees attend vocational programs with peace of mind and tranquility, they may face difficulties in their learning process which might in turn cost them valuable opportunities they are about to gain in terms of income and improved quality of life. It may also result in waste of the institution's precious and meager publicly donated resources offered at no .

The list of such miscellaneous services provided by RRGC include, inter alia, honorary loans and financial grants, in-house and referral medical services by volunteer physicians, transportation to and from campus to downtown, library facilities, counseling services and social workers home visits and marriage counseling. In cases where such services may not be available free of charge, attempts are made to minimize charges and/or secure special or supplemental funds through the assistance of volunteer groups.

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