It finally happened at the charity of Ra’ad..

2 آبان 2011

“Creation of lasting colors”


Months of non-stop effort of a group of artists, the students who are gaining their strength, young assistance, and staff of Ra’ad complex led to the third T-shirt design contest, having the good doers of the city as the host.



According to Public Relations of Ra’ad’s announcement, the third T-shirt design contest that was held on the 28th and 29th of July, is an Annual meeting in which the painters and graphic artists, with the company of the talented artists majoring in painting and anybody who has an interest in art, draw things on T-shirts and paint them as they wish. And afterselling thematauction, all the revenue is dedicated to training and rehabilitation ofthose who are gaining their strength in this complex.



The incredible presence of people which at some times even made moving around impossible, shows the confidence that people have both in Ra’ad complex and this cultural activity.


In this year’s festival, other than the presence of great professionals such as Farshad Rostami, Hiva Pashayi, Venous Abedian andthe rest who drew and painted next to other people, some of the film and TV actors supported this cultural movement as well; Actors such as Shaghayegh Dehghan, Reza Karimi, Sara Bayat, Behzad Khodaveisi added to people’s joy and passionwith their presence. From among the artists we can name Mani Rahnamaand Hamid Khazaei as well.


In this year's festival, one of the most attractive and innovative sectors was devoted to children. Also, many of the gifted and sweet children who were invited by Ra’ad complex through kindergartens, participated in the festival. And with their simple and plain designs, they painted a sense of art and passion on the clothes. The children's drawing section was so attractive that even many participants who didn’t have any child, visited it.


Another noteworthy aspect of the festival was the attendance of national and international charities. World Food Programme whose main role is to fight hunger all around the world,offered their cultural products in this festival to help starving Somalis.


Behnam Daheshpour Charity who has called the support of cancer patients in its agenda, attending the third Festival, asked the benefactors to cooperation and support of cancer patients.


To put it in one sentence, what happened on the two nights was a reflection of the beauty of charity and empathy, and everyone played their role in this charity program. The colors which were signs of diversity of opinions and preferences of participants ultimately became symbols of feeling, emotion and charity.


In the end, the whole complex of  Ra’ad, those who are gaining their strength, helpers, benefactors and staff sendtheir sincere gratitude and thanks to all citizens who accepted the invitation of  Ra’ad  and once again demonstrated their support by their presence.



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